Elijah and the ravens

Today we start a new series in church all about Elijah. Elijah was a prophet, he listened to God and told the people God’s messages. Sometimes these were not very popular messages and it could spell trouble for the prophet. In todays story Elijah delivers God’s message to King Ahab but he’s not very happy. […]

Palm Sunday: 10th April

Palm Sunday is a special sunday where we tell the story of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. Crowds of people welcomed and celebrated Jesus and shouted, ‘Hosanna!’ They laid palm leaves and clothes on the path as Jesus passed by. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and included the Last Supper Jesus had with […]

Epic Explorers Following Jesus: Sunday 20th March

Join us today Epic Explorers as we discover Rocky Road and find out that following Jesus means putting him first even when it’s tough. Over the past 5 months we been exploring Adventure Island. We’ve discovered together that Jesus is God’s Son and he came to rescue us. Last month we saw that Jesus didn’t […]

Remember Me: The last supper

Remember me: This week we look at the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples often called ‘The last supper’. It was passover and as they shared the passover meal together Jesus did something new that would mean that Christians would remember Jesus’ death and resurrection every time they met together through bread and wine. […]

Oasis: Disgust

This month the theme for our Oasis service is Disgust. The journal ‘Jesus and Emotions’ is a really good resource that families can work through together. If you would like a copy please let me know. Let’s meet DISGUST! Some questions to think about together What does Disgust usually feel like in your body? I […]