Thinking About Giving?
‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’ (Matthew 6:21)
At St James’, our aim is to worship Jesus Christ and to celebrate the incredible love and generosity of God. We believe that what we do with our money is important, and the Bible teaches us to be generous with all that we have, according to our means. The Church Centre is a charity that relies primarily upon the regular financial generosity of those who benefit from its life, work and ministry.

We always seek to be wise in how we use donations and transparent with our finances. Unless specified otherwise, any gift you make is allocated to the General Fund. The General Fund is used not only for our daily running costs, but for most of our vital functions, including:
- The ministry of the vicar and staff team
- Funding our children’s & families work and youth work
- Supporting our mission partners, both locally and overseas
- Financing the mission of the church in the local community
How Can I Give?
There are a number of ways that you can financially support St James’. If you choose to follow one of these methods, please in addition complete and return the ‘Supporting St James’ Financially’ form, which is available to download below.
a) Online Banking
If you use online banking, the best way to give is to set up a standing order from home. You can choose the amount and frequency of your gifts, and it’s easy to change your giving depending on your circumstances. The bank details for the Church are below.
b) Standing Order
If you do not use online banking, you can still set up a standing order using our Bankers Order form, which can be downloaded via the link below. You can change the details of your giving at your local branch at any time. Simply print the form and fill in the necessary information, and post it to your bank.
c) Giving Envelopes
We can provide you with white giving envelopes that can be used to regularly donate by cash or cheque. These are put in the collection plate on a Sunday morning, along with any other donations. They are available for collection from the Church Administrator. Yellow envelopes are also available at church for one-off gifts.
d) Legacies
Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you may wish to make a lasting gift to St James’ by leaving a legacy. A gift in your Will to your local church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support its mission and ministry within the community. We welcome legacies of any size, and can ensure that gifts remain anonymous if the donor prefers.
Please note that any donation given by bank transfer is confidential and will only be seen by the Treasurer and Gift Aid Secretary. Please mark any completed forms ‘For the attention of the Treasurer’ when returning them to the Office, and in the Subject/Title line if sending via email.
Thank you very much for your support towards our life and work together.
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St James’ Bank Details
Bank | Santander UK plc |
Address | Bootle, Merseyside, GIR 0AA |
Sort Code | 09-01-53 |
Account Number | 30435485 |
Charity Ref. Number | 1128770 |