Since completing our roof project monies continue to be raised through the following channels and these go towards General Funds. See below how you may help. If you click here you can see how much these raise.
- easyfundraising.
If you shop online here’s a way you can help generate a donation to help us every time you shop. By signing up to and making your purchases through that website a small donation from the retailer will find its way to our bank each quarter. Many of the major retailers you might buy from are part of the scheme. Some of you have already signed up and our income has been steadily increasing. Thank you.
Poster for easyfundraising from online purchases.
Poster for easyfundraising app. App now available for iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch.
Poster for easyfundraising from in-store purchases. A new addition to the easyfundraising scheme. More retailers are now signing up to these in-store purchases, the latest is American Golf.
- Bag2The Future
We make collections of unwanted “good quality” clothing, shoes, and other items twice per year, usually in Spring and Autumn for which Bag2The Future pay us by weight. So please hold onto applicable items until the next collection if you can. Collection dates are announced in church.
For more details and to see what items are eligible please click here.
- Social Events
There are usually a few Social Events held throughout the year. These can include themed evenings, and Bring & Share lunches, with any proceeds going to various causes or to General Funds. Please contact the Social Team if you have any ideas or suggestions for future Events.