Palm Sunday: 10th April

Palm Sunday is a special sunday where we tell the story of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. Crowds of people welcomed and celebrated Jesus and shouted, ‘Hosanna!’ They laid palm leaves and clothes on the path as Jesus passed by.

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and included the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples, Jesus’ death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Take some time in the next week to read the stories again of what happened during Holy Week.

If you enjoy ‘The Jesus Storybook bible’ Sally Lloyd Jones is reading the stories – click on the link below.

Jesus storybook bible podcast

You can find the story in Mark 11: 1-10

Some questions to think about together

  • I wonder why all the people threw their cloaks in the road
  • I wonder why Jesus rode a donkey and not a grand horse
  • All the people shouted ‘Hosanna’ – what do you think ‘Hosanna’ means
  • Have you ever had a visit from someone very important or exciting? What happened and how did it make you feel?

Activity sheets

Prayer activity

Palm sunday songs

Palm sunday is a time to celebrate. Here are some songs to dance and celebrate Jesus our Rescuer coming into Jerusalem.