April Messy Church

Our April Messy Church continues our ‘Meals with Jesus’ series. We have seen that Jesus welcomed anyone and everyone. He shared a table with the people noone else wanted – the bad, the sinful, the broken and needy – like Zacchaeus and the woman with the perfume.

Jesus was with his friends, the disciples. They’d had many meals together but this meal was special. It was Passover. They had this meal on the same day, every year – like we have special meals at Easter and Christmas.

This meal was a celebration meal to remember how God rescued his people from Egypt. It was when a lamb died instead of God’s people in the final plague.

But Jesus said and did something surprising at this meal…. lets find out together:

  • You will need:
  • a jammy dodger biscuit,
  • a rich tea biscuit,
  • green icing,
  • mini egg,
  • sprinkles
  • Make up the green icing and cover the rich tea biscuit.
  • stand the jammy dodger in the icing to stick in place
  • Add the mini egg as the stone rolled in front of the tomb.
  • Add sprinkles to decorate the grass!

You will need some playdough for this activity.

Here is a simple recipe you can use:


  • · 2 cups plain flour
  • 1cup salt
  • 4 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 2 cups water boiling water
  • Food colouring
  • Glitter/scents (optional)
  • 2 tablespoon oil
  • Mix together all the dry ingredients (+ glitter if adding) Add oil, boiling water, food colouring.
  • Mix well until all the ingredients form a ball. Tip out onto a flat surface and knead until smooth.
  • Store in an airtight container or freezer bag in the fridge. This will last for 4-6 weeks.

You will need: a paper plate, paint, wool, hole puncher, plastic needle (or some tape on the end), tape.


Start by painting the paper plate and set it aside to dry completely.

Download the cross template, cut out the cross and trace it in the middle of the painted paper plate.

Use a craft knife to cut out the cross.

Use a hole punch to make holes along the four ends of the cross.

Cut a strand of wool, thread it through the plastic needle. Tape the other end of the yarn at the back of the paper plate. You can now start threading the wool through the holes in the paper plate. You can go through the holes one or several times. Keep on threading until you reach the end of your wool. Secure the end of the wool to the back of the paper plate with tape. If you don’t have a plastic needle you can put some tape on the end of the wool to help thread it through the holes.

We started with the crossbar and then moved to the vertical part. Kids can intertwine the wool or not, depending on their age.

Easter garden:

bible craft for kids jesus
  • Color and cut out. 
  • Fold tabs on side of table up. Fold elbows over hanging up. Fold vertical folds following fold marks either side of Jesus. 
  • Glue together.
  • Fold tabs under food and glue anywhere on table.