James-words: Sunday 30th Jan

In chapter 3 of his letter the Apostle James discusses the Power of Words. According to James our words, though small, hold the power to build up or destroy. James illustrates his message using the examples of fire, ships and wild animals throughout this exciting passage of Scripture!

I wonder have you ever said something you wish you could take back.

Douglas helps us understand why are words are powerful.

James has lots to say about what the words we speak – perhaps this clip will help you understand the passage.

Have a look at our activity sheet for this week, there are lots of things to do together that get you thinking about words and how we use them.

Activity sheets

We all make mistakes and say something we wish we could take back. It’s a bit like trying to get toothpaste back into the tube when its all been squeezed out….

So next time you’re about to say something unkind or hurtful … remember T H I N K…

This song remiinds us that our mouths can praise God … for who he is and the amazing things He’s done.