Oasis: FEAR

This month the theme for our Oasis service is FEAR. At this time of year it’s getting darker earlier and some of our fears about the dark begin to surface.

I wonder what you’re afraid of? I wonder what makes your mum or dad feel scared? Why not ask them… you might get a surprise.

The bible tells us ‘Do not be afraid’. I read somewhere that the phrase ‘Do not be afraid’ occurs 365 times – one for every day of the year!!

But we all feel afraid. What can we do about it?

The journal ‘Jesus and Emotions’ is a really good resource that families can work through together. If you would like a copy please let me know.

Let’s meet FEAR

Some questions to think about together

  • I wonder what does fear feel like in your body
  • Is fear every a good thing?
  • Can you think of a bible story where someone was afraid and God or Jesus helped them?
  • I wonder was Jesus ever afraid

I’m sure you thought of lots of stories where someone was afraid … Here’s one you may not have heard? As you watch the story see if you can work out what Jesus does to help his friends.

You can read the story in Matthew 14:22-33

How do we handle fear when our bodies still feel scared? For centuries Christians have used breathing to pray. Have a go at this breathing prayer now. You can choose any words to pray but using verses from the bible can remind us of the promises God makes to us and that can help us when we are scared. Let’s try with Deut 31:8. This verse reminds us that God goes before us, is with us and will never leave us.

So as you breath in, say the words ‘The lord will be with me

As you breath out, say the words ‘ He will never leave me‘.


You can repeat this as many times as you like. This prayer is more of a ‘being with God’ prayer than a ‘please’ God prayer.

I wonder what other verses you could use.

Helpful Resource

If your child struggles with fears, particularly with nightimes, there is a great book I’d love to recommend. Its called ‘ Comfort in the darkness’ by Rachel Turner. Its also part of the Big Church Read. I’ll let Rachel explain in the video below. If you’re interested in the resources, buying the book at a reduced price check out the link below.

The Big Church Read