Compassion: Sunday 31st October

Today we have a guest speaker at St James from the charity Compassion. Compassion helps children living in poverty in countries all over the world by encouraging people like you and me to sponsor a child.

Children were important to Jesus. He said:

And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

Matt 18:5

By sponsoring a child, the cycle of poverty is broken!

Compassion-sponsored children are empowered to live free from poverty and bring change to their families and communities.

This short video tells you a bit about what Compassion does.

Could your family help a child out of poverty? You might like to talk together about sponsoring a child as a family. There are more details on the Compassion website

Today’s story from the bible tells us how Jesus had compassion on 2 men who were blind. You can read it in Matthew 20:29-34

Younger children may enjoy this version:

Craft activity

Jesus used his hands to help others. Draw round your hands and cut them out. Stick them on this sheet to remind you that Jesus can use us to help others too.


A great song that reminds us who Jesus is….