Elijah and the widow

Elijah has been in the desert being fed by the ravens and drinking water from the brook. But as there was no rain the brook dries up. What is Elijah to do? God who has provided for Elijah all this time is still looking after him and sends him to Zarephath where he will meet someone who will take care of him. Elijah obeys God and there he meets a widow.. find out what happened Elijah and the widow in 1 kings 17: 10-16.

Questions to think about together

  • I wonder what is your favourite part of the story
  • I wonder why the widow shared her last meal with Elijah
  • How did God show that He cared for Elijah, the widow and her son?
  • I wonder is there something you need to trust God for at the moment


Using colouring pencils/pens decorate the picture of th jar. Pour a VERY SMALL amount of BABY oil on a SPONGE PAINT BUSH and l PAINT the other side of their JAR with OIL!!! (After all, that was PART of Elisha’s Miracle!!!!) The COLORFUL image on the back will APPEAR through the JAR!!!! (JUST A LITTLE OIL is needed for this to work….and I mean JUST A LITTLE!!!!!!) This is the FINISHED PRODUCT!!! It is almost like STAINED GLASS…and is TRANSPARENT when you hold it up to the LIGHT!!! Plus if you use BABY OIL…it is NON TOXIC and makes the room smell nice!!!


Sometimes we can feel afraid or anxious, we have big challenges to face – exams, moving house, changing jobs, changing school… Just as God was with Elijah and provided for him in a difficult situation, God will do the same for us. Here are some songs that remind us that God is with us.


Bubble prayers

Find some bubbles: We’re going to use the bubbles as we pray.

Talk together about what you want to pray for together – things that are challenging for you at the moment, things you are thankful for…..

Bubble prayers can be ‘breath’ prayers you say when you are blowing bubbles. You can say a prayer and blow your bubble.. watch the bubble float away. As the bubble burst and disappear we can imagine that as God hearing our prayers.