Happy Valentines Day everyone. I saw this on facebook and thought it appropriate for today.
There is lots happening this month: Valentine’s day, Pancake Day, Ash Wednesday, Lent.. So this month’s Messy Church is going to try to help you celebrate it all!! Our theme is Love as this season reminds us of God’s love for us. When Jesus was baptised he heard God’s voice say “This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life.”
Jesus knew what was ahead of him. God loves us so much, He wanted us to be friends with Him again. Jesus’ journey was part of God’s rescue plan. It wouldn’t be easy … it would be a journey of love….for you and me.
Jesus took some time out to prepare, spend time talking with God and get ready for the adventure that was ahead of him.
I wonder if you have ever been tempted to do something that you shouldn’t.
Temptation is that feeling you get that makes you want to do something wrong or unwise. It’s a little voice inside you saying, ‘Oh, go on,’ ‘It will make you feel better’, or ‘Do it, do it, do it!’
Jesus was tempted too, and he is perfect! He listened to God’s voice. Problems come in when we listen to the wrong voice and give in to those temptations.
Valentine card ideas:
Ash Wednesday Activity:
You can make your own ash with some paper and join in the activity.
Lent Activities
Often Lent is a time to give up things but this past year has seen so many of us giving up and loosing out on things. So this Lent … be kind to yourself…
Print one off for each member of the family or have 1 on the fridge for the whole family. Colour in a heart when you’ve given yourself/your family a boast of positivity
Love the birds
With all this cold weather the birds really need some help with food. You could try making this bird cake and watch all the birds come into your garden for a feast.
Temptation Science experiment
You will need: a jar with a narrow neck, a balloon filled with water, a straw, a piece of paper, some matches.
Weaving heart
Things to do on a walk together
Colouring in /activity sheets
We don’t always know what to say when we pray but you don’t need words… you can draw or write your prayers or just be still. God knows what is on your heart, He hears all your prayers.
Here are 2 ideas to help you pray. Sandpaper prayers help us think about prayer when things are difficult and Chalk prayers help us think about how we can pray in different ways.
Don’t forget the Online Pancake Party on Tuesday evening from 5 – 5.30pm… come and make pancakes (or watch me making them!!), there will be a scavenger hunt, a challenge (so make sure you have a spare pancake for tossing!) and a chance to see some familiar faces and maybe even have a chance for a quick catchup…