Samuel: How does God speak to you?

This months Oasis we are thinking about How God speaks to us.

Prayer is an important part of us being with God. We all have our own way of speaking to God and hearing from God is no different. We are all unique and individual so it makes sense that we all hear from God differently.

Bible Story

How do we hear from God? How does God ‘speak’ to us?

Let’s have a look in the bible to see if there is anyone can help us understand about hearing from God.

Some Questions to think about together:

  • I wonder why Samuel thought the voice was Eli
  • I wonder how Eli felt
  • I wonder how Samuel felt when he realised it was God trying to speak to him.
  • I wonder has God ever spoken to you, as your parents how God speaks to them.

It took time for Samuel to realise it was God speaking to him, he needed Eli to help him. God can speak to us in lots of different ways. We need to find out how God speaks to us.

Can you think of different ways God communicates with us? Chat together and see how many different ways you can think of.

Here are a few I thought of:

  • the bible
  • worship songs
  • the wonder of creation
  • our dreams
  • feelings we have – feeling peaceful, thankful, joyful
  • pictures
  • words

can you think of others?

You may not hear from God straight away -like Samuel you may need to keep trying. God loves to spend time with us, he loves to hear us and he loves to chat with us too.

Because none of us are exactly the same, our ways of connecting with God will be different. It may take time for each of us to discover how it works for us.

Parenting for faith has some lovely resources that can help us and our children chat and catch (pray). Rachel Turner explains how we can help our children hear God’s voice and speak to him in their own way.

For more ideas and help check out Parenting for Faith: Chat and catch


How good are you at listening?? Here’s a game you can try.


God can speak to us through songs too, reminding us of His faithfulness and his love for us.


Why not spend some time chatting and catching from God now. He waiting to chat with you now!!