Oasis: Joy.

This month the theme for our Oasis service is Joy. It is also the first sunday in Advent and one of the themes of the candles is Joy. Advent is a time of waiting and getting ready for the birth of Jesus…. a really joyful celebration!

The journal ‘Jesus and Emotions’ is a really good resource that families can work through together. If you would like a copy please let me know.

Let’s meet JOY!

Some questions to think about together.

  • I wonder what does Joy feel like in your body
  • Can you think of a time when Jesus was happy, showed Joy?
  • How do you show you’re happy?
  • Do you think God wants us to tell him about the things that make us happy and joyful? Why?

This month we’re going to look at the story of Zechariah, John the baptist’s father and a moment of great joy for him and his wife Elizabeth.

You’ll find the story in Luke 1: 5-25, 57-66

Joyful prayer

Many of the songs we sing in church have very joyful words. Which is your favourite praise song? God wants to hear about our happiness, just like he wants to hear about our other emotions. What things about God make you feel happy? What are some of the little things in life that God has given you that brings you joy – thank him for those too. Get some strips of paper and write them down. Join them together to make a joyful chain to hang somewhere in your house. You could add to it daily during advent. I wonder how long you could make it.

Song of Praise

Let’s celebrate our amazing creator God who made the whole world and loves each of us. How amazing that we’re all part of the big family of God.