Easter Sunday

Wow what a rollercoaster of emotions the disciples have been on this week. The celebration of Palm Sunday, the shock and confusion of Jesus’ actions in the temple. The last supper was full of surprises – Jesus washing their feet.. really?- but that was the job of a servant. The pain, sadness, shock and horror of the events of Good Friday – Jesus was dead. The disciples were devastated, frightened and scared. Then in one moment it would all change again. Jesus was alive and everything would change forever.

one of my favourite retellings of the Easter story.

You can find out what the bible says happened that first Easter. There are some questions to think about together too.

This Easter Nature Frame is a reminder of the transforming power of the cross. When you take the Frame outside & hold it towards something that is bursting with life, the cross in the centre is transformed & filled with the promise of hope.

a song to celebrate what an amazing God we have….