January 2021 Messy Church

Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year inspite of all the restrictions. 
As we enter a new year and lockdown 3.0 I am very aware of how much pressure is put back on you as parents. I wanted this months Messy Church to be something you can enjoy together, easily, without it being a chore. 
We all need to get outside and 'exercise' so why not use this time together to notice where is God in the everyday. There are some ideas of things to do while you are out and about in the park, around your street, in some nearby space or just looking out your window. There is so much research showing the benefits to our Mental Health of being outside for us and our families. So wrap up warm and off you go!! 

Here are 2 ideas that you might like to use on your next walk.

As we're at the beginning of a new year you might like to sit down together and look back on 2020 -
 its not been an easy year but where have you seen God in 2020? ..... time spent together as a family, learning new skills, special times together, when things were tough.....
Looking forward to 2021: what are your hopes and dreams, worries ...
Spend time chatting together as a family. This colouring in sheet may be helpful to record some of your conversations.
A reminder that God is with us… every step …every day

While you’re out on your walk you may like to pick up some sticks to make a tangle triangle and use it to help you pray.

Dont forget to join us live on facebook for January birthday’s 
Live@5 on Sunday
