Joshua 3: A battle like no other. Sunday 19th September

I wonder what you think about when someone mentions ‘a battle’. Do you think about lots of people fighting – with swords and other weapons? Joshua had lead the people of Israel into the land God had promised them but now they faced the city of Jericho… how could they defeat such strength?

God had a plan… this would be a battle like no other battle. It involved marching!

The Israelites would learn that sometimes following God doesn’t always make sense, but we can know that no matter what happens, God will always be with us!

God loves to work with us and invites us to take part in his plans for the world.

I wonder what God is inviting you to take part in.

Today’s story is from Joshua 5 and 6. Look it up in your bible and find out what happened.

Here is an activity sheet to help you explore the story of Joshua and the epic battle of Jericho. There are activities you can do together as a family as well as some puzzles and colouring in. Enjoy exploring the story together.

A question for children to ask their parents!!

Can you think of a time when you finally achieved something that you had thought was impossible?

Songs are often used to declare how great and powerful God is, we can use them to fight the worries and fears we have. God can use our worship to break down the walls and make those walls come ‘tumbling and crumbling down’. Try it … and see what God can do.

A prayer for today:

Dear God,

Thank you for the story of Joshua and the Israelites at the battle of Jericho.

Thank you that you always give us the victory.

Help us to be obedient and follow the instructions you give us.

Help us to be patient while we wait for the victory.

We pray for those we know today who are faving personal battles and challenges.

Where there seem to be walls in their way would you bring them tumbling down.
