Joshua 2: Sunday 12th September

We continue with the story of Joshua part 2- this week he and all the Israelites need to cross the River Jordan to get to the promise land. Does this remind you of another story? Can you find the story of Moses and the Red Sea and compare what happens with this story!! What is the same? What is different?

The one thing I love about this weeks story comes right in the middle of chapter 4. Joshua has the men build a memorial of stones and he says:

‘In the future your children will ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ Then you can tell them…..’

Joshua 4: 6,7

I wonder do you ever tell your children why you love singing worship songs at church, why communion is so special to you… Let’s encourage our children to ask questions so we can tell them how important our faith is to us so that they too can begin to build their faith too.

This weeks story is found in Joshua chapters 3 and 4

Joshua and the Israelites cross the River Jordan

Here is an activity sheet to help you explore the story of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the river Jordan. There are activities you can do together as a family as well as some puzzles and colouring in. Enjoy exploring the story together.

Joshua is just one amazing character in the bible that helps us understand more about our amazing God. This song reminds of some of the other amazing people in the bible and they knew God’s love and faithfulness and its the same for us today too!

There are a couple of ideas to help you pray on the sheet above – one needs you to go and find your own rocks and then use them to pray. Here is the prayer from the sheet you could pray together now.