Home Energy

Home Energy


Light Bulbs! If an average household replaced all of their bulbs with LEDs it would cost about £100 and save about £35 a year on bills. How

Use natural light to save energy.

Turn lights off when they are not needed. Try lights set on manual timers or there are bulbs, plugs and apps that you can link to your mobile phone to be able to switch lights off or on in your home from your phone.  You don’t need to leave a light on all night if you go out, you can switch the front door light on as your leave to return home!

If you have lights in your garden use solar powered lights that charge during the day and don’t require electricity.

Draughts and Insulation

Remember in autumn and winter evenings to close your curtains to prevent the heat escaping through the windows, and make it feel cosier!  

Draughty front door?  Install a heavy curtain.  This may also provide you with extra security – no letter box peeking!   

Reduce draughts: Bring back the dog!? The draught excluding “sausage dog” for the door! Now you can get cats, owls, rabbits, and hedgehogs to name but a few “friends” to prevent draughts from leaking in under doors!

Professional draught exclusion for windows, doors, floors and skirting boards can cost around £200 for an average house.  DIY draught proofing can be less. 

Hot water tank insulation and hot water pipe insulation will save money on your water heating bills and help to reduce your carbon emissions.  Insulating your loft will help you save money too!  More insulation ideas!   

Get to grips with your energy bill.  They can be very confusing to understand, understanding your energy bill can help you understand your energy use. This link links to a helpful video.

One way you can save money on your energy bill is by switching your energy supplier.  If you decide to switch your energy supplier to save you money at the same time consider purchasing renewable electricity rather than electricity made by burning fossil fuels.

You could use the Green Journey price comparison site (others are available on the internet). 

Renewable Energy:

What is it? Renewable energy is energy that is collected from a renewable resource, these resources are replenished on a human timescale – sunlight, wind, rain, tide and wave.

Why use renewable energy? It reduces the need for energy generation from burning fossil fuels which are linked to the production of carbon dioxide.  Fossil fuels are a finite resource and will run out. 

The Church purchases its energy from renewable sources. 

For more information on renewable energy look at the Church of England’s website click here! 

Take Control of your heating.

Turning down your thermostat by 1 can save approximately £80 (depending on the size of the house.) Jumpers are in, in 2020!

Whatever the make and age of your boiler the right controls will allow you to:

  • Set your heating and hot water to come on and off when you want it
  • Heat only the areas of your home that you need
  • Set the temperature for areas of your home (using thermostatic radiator valves.